Golly Gee, it's Letter Gg!
Toilet Roll Goat
What you'll need...
- toilet paper roll
- brown construction paper
- brown paint
- cotton balls
- googly eyes
- black marker or crayon
Paint toilet paper roll brown. Let dry and then glue on eyes, ear shapes and horns from from construction paper. Glue cottons balls on the top and bottom of the toilet paper roll. Draw on face with a black marker or crayon.
Graham Cracker S'mores Bars

- 1 10 oz. bag mini marshmallows
- 1 12 oz. package semi sweet chocolate chips
- 5 tbsp. butter
- 8 cups Golden Graham cereal (one 12 oz. box)
- 1 tsp. vanilla (optional)
Place package of chocolate chips in the freezer to chill. Spray a 9 x 13 baking pan, set aside.
Meanwhile, melt butter in a pot over medium heat. Once butter is melted, add in 5 cups of marshmallows and stir until almost completely melted. Stir in vanilla if desired. Remove from heat and transfer butter mixture to a large mixing bowl and add cereal, stirring to coat. Once cereal is coated, remove chocolate chips from freezer and add to cereal mixture. Also add in the remaining cup of marshmallows. Gently stir until evenly distributed.
Press cereal mixture into prepared baking pan. Cover and refrigerate until set. Turn out onto cutting board and cut into squares. Keep stored in an air tight container in the refrigerator.
Letter Hunt: Your letter bucket is filled with anything green, gorillas, grasshoppers, goldfish, goats, etc.
Fine Motor:
Fill a bucket full of different items and let your child pick out only the green items. Easy, fun, and did we say easy?!
Coloring Page: Print off the Gg is for grasshopper coloring sheet on the Fisher-Price website. Click on the link: http://www.fisher-price.com/us/ms7/alphabet-coloring-pages.asp
Books: Below are a few suggested readings for your little ones. You should be able to find most of these books at your local library or around the house.
- Goodnight Gorilla by Peggy Ratthmann
- The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Paul Galdone
- Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown
"Little" Tip of the Week:
Find activities that correlate with the letter of the week. For example, this week you could go golfing in your backyard. For "Ff" week you can go fishing, etc. If you let your creativity flow, you can really think of some great ways to add activities into your letter learning! Go, go, go!